
British Go Journal No. 12. August 1970. Page 14.

Another New Go Book

The BGA have just received an advance copy of Volume 2 of "Modern Joseki and Fuseki" by Sakata.

In the first volume of the series emphasis was placed on the komoku joseki in parallel fuseki. In this second volume, the other classical joseki (tasuki, Shusaku, san-ren-sei, etc) are studied from a modern point of view. In addition, extensive study is made of the takamoku and taisha joseki, along with many others.

The glossary of Japanese Go terms has been revised and expanded. An illustrated index of the joseki contained in both volumes has been added for reference purposes.

This is an excellent book which may be strongly recommended [1970] for all ambitious players of 8 kyu and stronger.

Copies will be available in August, and the special price to BGA members only is 37/6d [£1.87½p].

A Japanese Magazine

A magazine is to be published under the auspices of the British Judo Council, but covering the entire spectrum of Japanese culture. It will cost 1/- [5p]. Further information about Butoku, as it is to be called, can be obtained from [Address withheld].


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 12
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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