Council Minutes 2020-10-16

BGA Council Meeting 2020-10-16

Held at: ZOOM conference call

Meeting started: 20:00

Present: Gerry Gavigan, Joanne Leung, Toby Manning, Neil Sandford, Richard Wheeldon, Colin Williams

1) Apologies

Apologies for absence had been received from Pat Ridley and Matt Marsh

2) Minutes of Previous Meetings [2020-08-14]

Minutes of 2020-08-14 were approved

3) Review of Actions []

The online list was updated.

Note - actions raised during this meeting and action updates are recorded on that list rather than directly in these minutes

4) T Mark Hall Foundation summary statement

Toby updated the Council with the current status regarding the proposed purchase of the Salvation Army Hall building.

5) Actions arising from committee reports

a) It was agreed that Toby Manning and Colin Williams are the BGA nominated directors for the T Mark Hall Foundation, on the assumption that the change to their Articles is passed at their AGM.

b) The Youth Committee budget as proposed in the paper at the last Council meeting was formally approved.

6) Membership Engagement - two papers form Gerry Gavigan

A wide-ranging discussion was held on the merits or otherwise of various mechanisms to promote an active and supportive Go community in the United Kingdom. No firm conclusions were drawn. Council members agreed to take the issue away for further thought and revisit it at the next meeting. Gerry agreed to produce a further paper in light of the discussions.

7) BGA Online Congress

Colin suggested that in the light of the successful online congresses held across the world in 2020, the BGA could consider doing the same in early 2021. There was broad support for the idea, and Colin agreed to put together a proposal/requirements paper for distribution to Council.

8) Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting will be Friday 4th December at 20:00, also by Zoom.

The meeting closed at 21:30.

Last updated Sat Oct 17 2020.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.