Women's World Amateur Reps

At the British Open tournament each year points are awarded to the highest-placed British women. The points are used to select our representative to women's world championship events whenever these occur. Prior to 2020 the previous such event was in 1998. The representative at such an event has her accumulated points reset to zero.

No points awarded in 2020.

Current Points

A list of past representatives is below. Players who only scored points before 2010 are omitted from this list.

PlayerTotal’19’18’17’16’15’14’13’12’11’10Prior Total
Alison Bexfield 125 8 8 7 7 8 8     64
Helen Harvey 113½   6 5 7   6 7 72½
Louise Bremner 54 6 66 6 7  8
Sue Paterson 52½ 6 6  54    27
Elinor Brooks 45½          4  41½
Jenny Radcliffe 41        365 21½
Kathleen Timmins36½     1 3133  25½
Natasha Regan 34            28½
Kirsty Healey 26   6         20
Anna Griffiths 22           4 18
Pauline Bailey 21½          23 16½
Ludan Fang 16½         7  4
Joanne Leung 16    88       0
Charlotte Bexfield 14 4 442       0
Ai Guan 12 66          0
Edwina Lee 12     3       9
Jil Segerman 8       4     4
Martha McGill 8           8 0
Vanessa Wong 8          8  0
Kathy Gray 6        24   0
Roella Smith 6   33        0
Barbara Dean 5  5          0
Julia Woewodskaya 5         5   0
Alice Bradley 3 3           0
Isobel Ridley 3           2 1
Emma Nicholls 2         2   0
Hilary Bexfield 2   2         0
Kathryn Ball 2 2           0
Lily Danson 2    2        0
Alina Wolowczyk 1    1        0
Amy Upton 1 1           0

Figures displayed like this show the player who travelled to the East to represent Britain that year, and had her points reset to 0.

Past Representatives

1989Sue Paterson
1990Alison Cross
1991Kirsty Healey
1992Alison Bexfield (then Jones)
1994Alison Cross
1996Sue Paterson
1997Kirsty Healey
1998Helen Harvey
Last updated Fri Mar 12 2021.
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