
British Go Journal No. 0. Spring 1967. Page 3a.

Non-handicap: Komoku (3-4 point)

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

This is the most popular opening move in the corner as it guarantees a safe position and attempts to take the corner by playing a move A, B or C. White does not have to answer this immediately but may play in another corner. When he does reply it is usually at A or B. In this issue we shall only deal with the most popular attack on the reply at A, this is at D (a 2 point high pincer). The object is to prevent white making a profitable extension in this direction, and to build up a potential along the left side. There are three main replies at E, F and G.

White 3 at E

Diagram 3

This attempts to make a stable group along the lower side, to slide into the corner at H and to pincer one of the two black stones.

Diagram 4

Diagram 5

(1) In Dia 4, 4 takes the side territory whilst giving up most of the corner. White 5 takes the corner, black 6 or 6' at J depending upon the situation in the north-west sector. White now has a fairly small stable group and has destroyed the corner, however black has taken a large position along the side which still has weak points where it may be invaded. Also there are plays at L and K for black and white respectively.

Or Dia 5 which is rather conservative for White as it leaves the black position less easily invadable, and only a small play at L later.

Diagram 6

(2) Dia 6 - Black can play at 6 or M. Though this leaves the black position even more invadeable, it may be applicable in some cases. White must not now play the sequence equivalent to Dia 5 as this fortifies black too much.

Diagram 7

(3) In Dia 7, black 4 takes the corner securely. The 5, 6 exchange reduces the corner and stabilises the white group more. Then by 10, White has completely stabilised his group and can prepare an attack on black 2 by playing a pincer move at N or O for example.

Diagram 8

Diagram 9

(4) Black 4 in Dia 8 leads to rather more complex variations than the other moves so far. Here are two variations:

Dia 8. Black 8 gets sente. Black 16 or 16' at M. By white 19 Black gives up the corner in a large way whilst gaining compensation along the side.
["Why does black 8 'get sente'?" is answered "Because White must now answer 14 in the corner giving Black the time to extend his wall to 16".]

Dia 9. The second variation.
Black 10' at 11 with white 11' cutting at 10 leads to many complex variations.

White 3 at F

Diagram 10

White stops black gaining a large area, stabilises his stones quickly and plans to turn to another sector of the board.

Diagram 11

(1) Black 4 gets territory and white need not play again.
Later Black has 6..9 protecting the corner...

Diagram 12

Diagram 13

... or White has Dia 12 or Dia 13 stopping Black taking the corner.

Diagram 14

(2) Black 4 in Dia 14 separates the white stones, then 5 to 13 dividing the area on either side, leaving a white play at H or a black play at P for later.

Diagram 15

Or if Black does not like white capturing 2 because of the situation on the rest of the lower side he can play Dia 15. White plays 13 to be sacrificed while capturing the two central black stones. Again leaving H and P for later.

White 3 at G

Diagram 16

Diagram 17

Dia 17 gets a stable group at once but solidifies black. Black 4 stops white taking all the corner and White replies with 5.
BGJ had black 4 impossibly at 3.

Diagram 18

(1) Dia 18 continues from Dia 17 - black 8 captures white triangle, black 10 at triangle.
White has to play 7 as here, he cannot save his triangle stone otherwise Black plays 8' at 7 gaining a large advantage. After 11 White has taken influence along the side in exchange for giving up the corner.

Not from BGJ, but Ishida's joseki dictionary continues with Black X, White Y, Black Z.

Diagram 19

(2) Dia 19 also continues from Dia 17.
Black may play 8' at Q depending upon the situation in the north-west sector. If he plays 8, he can extend to J or R.

If White does not like this variation he may play 3' at 5. This can be followed by 4' at 6 and 5' at 3 which reverts to Dia 19, or as Dia 20.

Diagram 20

7 here ensures that no cuts work and leaves plays at S and N.

[Start] These are just a few of the even variations or joseki from the play of the two space high pincer which may be seen in the game on page 5.

This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 0
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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