Studying A Master Game

British Go Journal No. 1. Summer 1967. Page 13b.

When studying a master game the following points may prove useful.

  1. Divide the game into sections, according to who has sente.
  2. Try to define in each section what is going on. That is, what is the basic strategic purpose of each section.
  3. Consider especially the plays on which sente was abandoned. These are invariably the largest plays. Try to estimate how many points they are worth; look for other possible plays and try to determine why these are inferior to the move played.
  4. Play the game over, trying at each play to decide what you would do before looking at the actual move. Thus you will have the masters comment on your play. It is more important to look for differences in strategy rather than look for special combinations. In a special combination you will never find a master play, but in the general pattern of your play you should try to apply a master's standards.

Played in this way a game will require a good deal of time, but you may be sure of making rapid strides in your playing strength.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 1
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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