16. Communications

16. Communications Jon Diamond

16.1 Bulk Communications

We send official information to our members via

  • the British Go Journal
  • announcements on our website (our RSS feed) - this is automatically fed to our Facebook page
  • the (electronic) Newsletter
  • directly by email to our members. Note: We use the email address notified to our Membership Secretary.

16.2 Individual communications

A list of contact persons with addresses and phone numbers is published in our publications and on our website. We expect the named people to respond to you in a reasonable time-scale. It's helpful if you direct initial queries to the specific official involved, rather than the CLG Board in general.

The Gotalk mailing list is not such an official channel, since apart from anything else messages may get lost in the torrent of emails in some people’s inboxes.

Note: we hope to respond to all queries within a few days, but 'reasonable time-scale' depends on the nature of the query, whether the person contacted is on holiday etc., so you can't always expect a response within a week and perhaps longer. Please be patient with us as we're all volunteers.

If you don't get a response in what you think is a reasonable time-scale then escalate the query to the Committee Chairman involved or to our President.

16.3 Go Talk

We host an email discussion group named Gotalk . This is open to all (and one does not have to be an Association member to subscribe to the email list).

The CLG Board will appoint a moderator, who needs not be a member of the CLG Board.

Postings to Go Talk:-

• cannot contain attachments (in particular not .doc or .docx)
• must be relevant to Go
• must not contain rude, insulting or obscene language
• must not be repetitive
• should be to GoTalk alone, with no other recipients in TO, CC or BCC
• must not contain non-printing characters in the subject line, as these are often a sign of a spammer. This includes Chinese, Japanese or Korean characters.

When replying to other posts, the whole of the previous post or posts being replied to should not be included. Just quote the specific points being replied to.

Commercial postings are not specifically banned, but they must meet the above requirements.

The CLG Board regulates Go Talk with a “light touch”. Anyone who infringes one of these rules will, initially, receive a private warning. Repeated infringements may, at the CLG Board’s discretion, result in postings being moderated (i.e. they will be manually checked for appropriateness before they are posted); extreme infringements may result in users being blocked. Any such moderation or blocking will be subject to the Appeals process.