Open University and Milton Keynes Go Club

The Open University and Milton Keynes Go Club is about having fun while playing go. To this end we meet most Tuesdays from 6:30pm in the Ship Ashore pub, Granville Square, Willen, MK15 9JL (link to map)).
Because there are occasional weeks when we cannot meeting, we co-ordinate using a WhatsApp group. Please ask if you would like to be added to that using the details at the bottom of this page. When we cannot meet in person, we sometimes meet online on OGS where we have our own group Milton Keynes Go Club which you are welcome to join.
We are affiliated to the OU club and the British Go Association.
Other activities
Club members go to various go tournaments. This means that we can share the driving and then go out for a meal afterwards as a group. Our results in tournaments range from brilliant to disastrous.
Once a year until 2016 we ran our own tournament in Milton Keynes and hopefully will do so again sometime. You can see the results of the tournaments by following the appropriate links: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, more ....
In 2001 we introduced an innovation as a side event: the Milton Keynes go board.
We like to introduce new people to the game. Go is quite an easy game to learn, it is only winning that is difficult. We can teach you to play in a lunchtime or evening.
Contact us
To find out more just turn up to one of our meetings or contact Tim Hunt, 07850 119939.
We have a What's App group. Please contact Tim Hunt with your mobile number if you want to be added to that.
Comments on this page to Tim Hunt.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.