Photo Competition

We want to increase visibility of Go on the internet, as well as creating more resources for the BGA and other groups to use when advertising Go related events, so we're running a competition to help spread images of Go.

This will be a rolling competition running from one BGJ to the next. The winning entry will be decided by the Editor on the submission deadline for the next BGJ. Any entries received after this date will be entered into the next period.


  • All entries must be Go related (such as showing a Goban, showing people playing Go, etc)
  • All photos containing people must have the permission from the people in the photo (it is the responsibility of the photographer to ensure that all privacy requirements are covered). If anyone in the photo is under 18, the permission of their parent or guardian is also required.
  • All images must be posted somewhere public - such as Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels, or similar. They must not be limited to only be visible to a group of people, such as by setting them to be private or requiring registration to a site to be able to view them
  • All images must be posted without copyright restrictions so that they can be used in marketing by the BGA and by other Go groups. The minimum for competition entries is 'CC BY-NC' or equivalent (requiring attribution and not to be used commercially), but 'CC0' (public domain) is preferred
  • Where appropriate for the platform, all entries should use the hashtag #BritishGoPhoto
  • A link to each entry should be emailed to with the subject 'Photo Competition'
  • Images must be entered by the person who took/created them
  • Images do not need to be taken/created especially for the competition, but an image cannot be submitted more than once
  • Images can be drawn or otherwise generated, but it is assumed that the majority of entries will be photographs
  • There is no prize for winning the competition, other than the glory of having your name listed in the BGJ
  • You do not have to be a BGA member to enter, but joining the BGA helps to support British Go
  • These rules may change between different periods - if this occurs, the changes will be listed here.
Last updated Thu Apr 04 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.