3a. Working with Children and Young People

The following is copied from our Policy on Working with Children and Young People. See this for more details, especially on Principles and Guidelines. We also have Guidelines for Volunteers Visiting Schools.

  1. It is the responsibility of all members of the Association to do their best to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse, alleged or suspected.
  2. We will respond without delay to any complaints made that a child or young person, for whom the Association or its members or officers are responsible, may have been harmed.
  3. Association members who provide Go teaching to children and young people in schools should comply with any request by the school to obtain a Disclosure or Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau.
  4. The Board is responsible for appointing a Child Protection Adviser who:
    • advises the Board on Child Protection Policy and its implementation;
    • advises members involved in youth Go activities; and
    • is available to members to discuss any situation of concern that may come to their notice.
  5. We require an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service for the Youth Development Officer, Child Protection Adviser and Education Officer. The Enhanced Disclosure must be not more than 3 years old. We will obtain and/or renew such disclosures where they are needed.
  6. The Board will satisfy itself as to the suitability of any person applying to take on the roles of Youth Development Officer, Child Protection Adviser and Education Officer, through a process which as a minimum:
    • discusses any previous experience working with children and young people;
    • requests the volunteer to confirm that they have never been convicted of, or cautioned for, a sexual offence or other offence against children;
    • has the volunteer either show or complete an application for the Enhanced Disclosure required by the previous policy.
  7. The organizers of Association supported Go Tournaments and other events which are open to all adults and children are considered for the purposes of this policy not to have direct responsibility for the care and supervision of children participating in the event. They are therefore not required to seek Disclosure or Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau.

Another document describes our Policy and Procedures for checking criminal records.

Last updated Wed Feb 15 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.