Android Apps

Here are most of the important apps for the Android operating system. Sensei's Library contains more details about these and other apps.

If you're a beginner please have a look at our Top Picks for Beginners page which contains our initial recommendations for you.

Clients for Go Servers

These are in English and all allow users to interact with other users, players and games on the servers they support. They are all free and require you to get an account before you can use them.

  • Go Quest Go Quest app (9x9 and 13x13 fast play only)
    Our current recommendation for beginners
  • Pandanet Tetsuki Pandanet-IGS client
  • KGS client KGS client.
  • Goigo Pandanet-IGS client.
  • anDGS Dragon Go Server client. Also a game recording program. Full of user customizations, with a one or two-touch move placing options.
  • The Online Go Server (OGS) - no longer seems to need a client

Game playing

Most of these also allow for game recording and editing

  • GOdroid play games against your computer (8-12 kyu). Also allows two players to play against each other. (free)
    Our current recommendation for beginners
  • Gobandroid is a fully featured game recording program that comes in two versions, Tiny and HD with slightly different user interfaces. You can also load games and problems from online sources, through helpful links in the program itself, and can install the gnugo AI if you want to play against a computer.
  • WegoIgo has a one touch stone placement. It loads problems and professional games, cleanly and easily, and you can download the AI if you want to play against gnugo. It also loads Kogo’s Joseki Dictionary. There is a free version and a paid for one (£1.99). It offers advanced SGF editing features to boot, and you can comment and mark games up for study. Although the free version includes all of the features, there is a paid version ($2.49) for faster updates.
  • ElyGo play against your computer (GnuGo). Includes built-in professional games and problems with answers as well as bad variations, playing and observing games online on Pandanet-IGS, SGF editor and loads Kogo's Joseki Dictionary. There's also a free version (£3.99).
  • Champion Go ~Crazy Stone~ is a strong Go playing engine (4 dan?), with different playing levels and an SGF viewer. (£3.16)
  • Go plays Go on 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19 boards using the Aya engine. There's also free version. (£2.99)
  • Silver Star Igo play against your computer. Also allows two players to play against each other. (£4.50)

Other apps

These are mainly for problem review and solving:

  • GoGrinder problem practice. (£0.63)
  • GoEdit records and edits game records. (£0.61)

The Gobandroid, WegoIgo and anDGS information is abstracted from the American Go E-Journal review in July 25, 2012.

Last updated Tue Oct 24 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.